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An "Error 500 Internal Server Error" is being posted on my ENTIRE SITE | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Rudy Sep 24 '13
I am to a point of frustration with this theme development. I have copied and and pasted a new theme via FTP (filezilla) and i keep getting this "Error 500 Internal Server Error" on the front end and back end of this site. 

Its renamed copy from the original theme that comes with oxwall CMS. I desperately need a solution for this. I am working on a project with a dedline for thrusday.

I am begging if someone can help me with this problem. I am new to oxwall but can have a lot of experience when it comes to working with CMS platforms.

THANK YOU in advance

Oxwall CandyStore
Oxwall CandyStore Sep 25 '13
Renaming theme folder is not enough, you need also to change theme key in theme.xml file
Rudy Sep 25 '13
Did that also, same result.!
Swapnil Wagh
Swapnil Wagh Oct 6 '13
internal error 500 occurs frequently i also need the solution for the same