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Cannot save profile edit?? Button Missing... | Forum

wyatt lutt
wyatt lutt Sep 30 '13
Hello Everone,

Thank you in advance if you can help me with this issue.

On user's Profile Edit page of my oxwall site the save button is absent. Has anyone ever experienced this issue? 

I've attached an image showing the bottom portion of the profile edit page. As you can see, there's no way to save the revisions....

Here is a link to my oxwall driven site: Website

The Forum post is edited by wyatt lutt Sep 30 '13
  problem.png (122.42Kb)
Alia Team
Alia Sep 30 '13
wyatt lutt, seems like you are missing "Join" button on sign up page as well =)
Can you try and switch to one of our themes ( ex. Origin)?

wyatt lutt
wyatt lutt Oct 1 '13
Aliia, That was the simplest fix ever... I thought it would have been much more drastic? Do you think I implemented my CSS incorrectly while skinning the site? I didn't change much, just a few hover colors and etc.??
Alia Team
Alia Oct 3 '13
Wyatt, two options:

1.  theme you started using has this bug originally and it is not your fault.
In this case, you should contact theme's designer.

2. theme you started using has this button, but they are not showing up because of your modifications.
In this case, it is very difficult to say what went wrong without knowing where and how you changed the theme.
Did you do this in admin panel>>edit CSS ? What are your CSS changes?
Or you changed .html files?