Tinychat seems to work and not work all the time, i never could figure out if it was due to low traffic or high traffic or what, but my experience has been one day or one hour it does not connect and if you wait a few hours or a day then it does. So who knows what the deal is. I was lucky enough one time to catch them they had their API link spelled wrong, but they fixed it very fast.
But also you have to consider the huge liability for having a chat room where not only all chat is stored on their server not yours, and also the liability for cam chat. I would certainly not offer cam chat personally unless you are a LLC company (limited liablity company) or you have a great attorney.
Think about it folks, all you need is one underage person sex camming with someone from your site and the cops will be knocken on your door. You might take that risk and thats your decision, but not me brother..
I wish times were differnent when you did not have to worry about that stuff, i would be offering cam chat left and right 24/7, but those days are gone.