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Cannot accessed by public. It redirect to sign in page [Solved] | Forum

Ariesta Oct 3 '13

My oxwall site cannot accessed by public. It redirect to sign in page domain.com/sign-in?back-uri=

Setting on page menu is ok. They're visible to everyone except join menu (visible to guest only)

Setting on privacy and permission is also guest able to view site

What's wrong? Can anyone help me to fix this problem

Any help appreciated

The Forum post is edited by Alia Oct 15 '13
Ariesta Oct 3 '13
Anyone can help?

It quite takes time if I install this software again, with theme and plugins I had setting before and language I had manually translate before T_T

Or any other solutions except above solution?

The Forum post is edited by Ariesta Oct 15 '13
Alia Team
Alia Oct 4 '13
Ariesta, under "Pages&Menus" try moving, for example "Members" or "Photos" items to the first place using drag&drop.

Something that is accessible to guest users should be on the first place. Right now, if I am not mistaken, you have "Dashboard" first, and dashboard is the page available only to registered users.
Ariesta Oct 4 '13
Hi Aliia

Thanks, you save my days

I found my problem. I lost main menu. I forgot, I might deleted it. I might conclude the dashboard and main menu are the same things

That's the past, I'll learn it. Anyway, did you know how to install main menu? Is it the plugin? But I found no main menu at oxwall store

Many thanks
Alia Team
Alia Oct 7 '13
Ariesta, in fact it is not that easy to delete "main" menu item...
It is surprising that you have  managed to delete it... as this requires modifications within the source code and database.

Can you check whether you have following row within ow_base_menu_item table in database:

Ariesta Oct 15 '13
Hi Allia,

Sorry for delaying. Problem solved

Fortunately, I haven't deleted it, I just renamed it become my profile

Thanks for support, Allia. Really love oxwall