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Question about settings - Oxwall Reminder | Forum

Tess Franklin
Tess Franklin Oct 8 '13

Hi, I'm considering this plug in, looks like it will be useful since we have a number of inactive members.


I was thinking about setting the reminder for 30 days inactivity

Is there a suggested setting for the cron run?  I don't want to spam the users just gently remind them that they have an account..lol

Purusothaman Ramanujam
The plugin has the option to decide the inactive days count.
Tess Franklin
Tess Franklin Oct 8 '13

Quote from Purusothaman Ramanujam
The plugin has the option to decide the inactive days count.

Thank you for your quick response :)

one more question, and I apologize if it's silly, I'm still rather new at this.  Is the plug in retroactive?  Meaning will it send reminders to members who have made accounts prior to it's installation or does it only apply to those who have made accounts afterwards?

Purusothaman Ramanujam
It sends to all, if they are inactive, not avatars set or have pending friends.
Tess Franklin
Tess Franklin Oct 8 '13
ok thank you, sounds perfect!
Purusothaman Ramanujam
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