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open in a new window | Forum

Southy Oct 9 '13
Is there anyway that i can make it so that the pages open in new windows on all the styles? im currently using the orignal one and im trying to sort that out?

ie, if i click forum i would like it to open in a new window so that it dont log the current user out.

Alia Team
Alia Oct 10 '13
Southy, this requires custom code modifications.

If by "pages" you mean menu items: main, dashboard, photo, events  and etc:

1. current user is not loged out when he/she clicks on menu items like "forum", "main" and etc. They are just redirected to needed page.

2. If you still want menu items to open in a new tab and don't want to dig into the .php and .html code, you can change this within your database.

Database table: ow_base_menu_item
Just change the value from "NULL" to "1" under "NewWindow" column.

3. Solution above applies only to system menu items which come with Oxwall and our default plugins.
BUT  when you create new custom pages in admin panel>>pages&menus, you can specify whether they should open in a new window or not just by checking "open in a new window" checkbox.
Alia Team
Alia Oct 10 '13
Topic was moved from Bug reports and troubleshooting.