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How about this idea ? | Forum

John Michaels
John Michaels Oct 10 '13
A feature that allows users to buy other users ( become their owners so to speak ) just like tagged.com has.

The feature should allow users to buy other users and also be able to buy from other users as well by setting a value of a user.

A site could earn revenue by selling credits ( used to purchase other users ).

There should also be an option to opt out of this feature if people dont want to be part of it.

You could call it something different than pets not to infringe upon Tagged. Call it something like , Oxwall User Deeds or something to that effect.

Would be alot of fun especially if you have a large community !

The Forum post is edited by Den Oct 14 '13
Alexandr Oct 10 '13
feudalism in the 21st century )))

very interesting idea

Den Team
Den Oct 14 '13
Topic was moved from Oxwall Store.
dave Leader
dave Oct 19 '13
Im worth $100,000,000,000.00  just in case anyone wants to buy me lol..  So start saving..
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Oct 19 '13
it is a good idea and that is the best feature of tagged 
dave Leader
dave Oct 19 '13
It would have to be done right and have to me a mutual member agreement to participate in selling and being purchased, even with it being online only someone could get upset.
The Forum post is edited by dave Oct 19 '13
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Oct 19 '13
its a very touchy feature and like Dave said if not done right may have people getting upset however i do think its a amazing feature on tagged but they must get lots of complaints about it 
John Michaels
John Michaels Oct 19 '13
Well again ,
thats why you want to include an " OPT OUT " feature.
Then anyone who doesnt want to participate , will not be shown with a icon that says buy me now  , or make me your Ox ! LOL LOL LOL !!
dave Leader
dave Oct 19 '13

wouldnt that be OB  lmao

Wolfy Oct 20 '13

Love the idea!
dave Leader
dave Oct 21 '13
Gimme 1 of dose, 2 of dese, 5 of dose, and all of dem.. lol