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taking into account when guests cannot view site. - Smileys | Forum

dave Leader
dave Oct 11 '13

I am getting an undefined  message up on my screen of my site.   It just says "undefined"  after hours and hours of trying to track this down, it appears it is comming from the smilies plugin.  It goes away if i deactivate the plugin.


I have included an image of what this looks like below.  After poking around my guess is that you are trying to load some functions on the site index and not taking into account when guests cannot view the site, such things as user id and such cannot be loaded until a person signs in.  


I am not saying this is the exact cause, that is for you to decide, i am saying it is the smiley plugin that is causing this.  The question is what exactly is not being defined, i dont know that as all it says is undefinded.   And i am guessing i did not see this before because my header banner was covering it up at the time.


What i did was i changed my home page to a sign in page only, no splash page.   For you to duplicate this issue just turn off the splash page, go to permissions and set global permissions for guests can view to NO, then go to pages and move the join page anywhere other than the main menu.  Now visit your site, you will see the login box and you will also see the "undefined" text in the upper left corner.,


What this is i dont know, what is not being set i dont know.. But please let me know what you find and provide a fix for this issue..


Thanks..   Image below..




The Forum post is edited by dave Oct 11 '13
dave Leader
dave Oct 11 '13

i fixed it.... in ow_plugins/smileys/classes/html_document.php

i added the if not authenticated in this function and it fixed it..

public function replaceBaseComment()
//added by dave
if ( !OW::getUser()->isAuthenticated() )
//end of add


the issue was is that you dont need to load the items in this function until someone has signed in, there are no smileys on the login page or the index so no need to load that stuff if not signed in.  


Well thats 2 days of my life ill never get back.


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