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Disable pictures - catalog | Forum

Alexandr Oct 11 '13
How I can disable pictures in widget and in catalog?

Alexandr Makarov
Alexandr Makarov Oct 11 '13

Yes, you can do that, but it will require a small code modification. Open your oxwall root directory and locate the following file: ow_plugins/catalog/views/components/list_widget.html Open it with editor and comment the following block of code:

<td class="images">
{if $item->mainphoto instanceof CATALOG_BOL_Photo}
<a href="{$item->getHref()}">
<img src="{$item->mainphoto->getUrl("thumb")}" class="attachment_thumb from_fullsize_photo" style="max-width: 100%;">

In latest version it is located somewhere on lines 15-22. Now comment it, by putting wrapping it with following constrction: {* your_block_code_here *}. You should get something like this:
{*<td class="images">
{if $item->mainphoto instanceof CATALOG_BOL_Photo}
<a href="{$item->getHref()}">
<img src="{$item->mainphoto->getUrl("thumb")}" class="attachment_thumb from_fullsize_photo" style="max-width: 100%;">

After that you should clear oxwall template cache, for changes to take effect. you can do that with the following plugin: http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/579 or by deleting all files inside ow_smarty/template_c/ folder

Alexandr Makarov
Alexandr Makarov Oct 11 '13
Please note that you will have to do that again with every version update
Alexandr Oct 12 '13
Огромное спасибо за подробную инструкцию, Александр!

Нашел такой же фрагмент в других файлах. Все закомментировал. Все отлично! То что хотел!

Еще раз огромное спасибо!

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