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Disabled Photo plugin Now page wont load [Solved] | Forum

Shaun Oct 12 '13
Ok so i disabled the photo plugin and got a 500 error i would like to manually enableit again.
debug log:

OW Debug - Exception
Message:     There is no active plugin with key `PHOTO`
File:     /DIR/ow_core/plugin_manager.php
Line:     85

#0 /DIR/ow_core/default_route.php(65): OW_PluginManager->getPlugin('PHOTO')
#1 /DIR/ow_core/router.php(304): OW_DefaultRoute->generateUri('PHOTO_CTRL_Phot...', 'ajaxResponder', Array)
#2 /DIR/ow_core/router.php(290): OW_Router->uriFor('PHOTO_CTRL_Phot...', 'ajaxResponder', Array)
#3 /DIR/ow_plugins/gphotoviewer/init.php(28): OW_Router->urlFor('PHOTO_CTRL_Phot...', 'ajaxResponder')
#4 /DIR/ow_core/event_manager.php(188): photoviewer_script_render(Object(OW_Event))
#5 /DIR/ow_core/application.php(693): OW_EventManager->trigger('photoviewer_scr...', Object(OW_Event))
#6 /DIR/index.php(76): OW_Application->finalize(Object(OW_Event))
#7 {main}

Type:     InvalidArgumentException
The Forum post is edited by Alia Oct 14 '13
Shaun Oct 12 '13
Never mind i fixed it  i was pondering what i should do then it hit me there must be something in the databse... i went and looged for a plugin databse and found "base_plugin" then i search under there for photo and found a line then i compared that line to a plugin i knew was activated and figued out by changing the 0 to a 1 it would activate. saved it and it now works fine :)
There is no information on google on how to activate a already installed plugin  if your cant enter the website panel
The Forum post is edited by Shaun Oct 15 '13
dan cuba
dan cuba Aug 12 '14
same thing has happened to me. I think I did what you said and it worked for me. i went to base_plugin - found he only photo in my list and changed 0 to 1.  My site is back online, however my photo plugin now don't show up.  It's listed in the plugins list and activated but missing all the functions within the site.  Any Ideas?  

a little history..Upgraded to latest version from last version. updated all plugins seemed to have went well but maybe not?   I have advanced photo plug and disabled it but the standard photo plugin is still not working.

I enabled debug mode but there are no warnings or errors coming up. 
thanks anyone for your reply

The Forum post is edited by dan cuba Aug 12 '14
ross Team
ross Aug 13 '14
Dan, what do you see or get when you go to the Photo in the menu?