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Facebook connect updates | Forum

JJ Oct 25 '13

  I love the Facebook connect plugin.  However, there are a few things that would be nice, one I think I can do, and one might need to be done by the developers.

1.  Profile image size is way too small!  which file grabs the profile image?  Is it grabbing a file that small, in which I could change it to a larger size, or is the script reducing the dimensions?

2.  It would be nice to have the box with "Add some info about yourself here" be synced with the "About Me" from Facebook.

Daisy Team
Daisy Nov 1 '13
Hi JJ,

1. We will fix this problem in one of the upcoming update if Facebook allows to grab the image with the bigger size. For now if you want to change this functionality, you can can check the /ow_plugins/fbconnect/classes/converters.php file to see how if works. If you are not familiar with the code modifications, it would be better for you to find a developer who can help you with it.

2. This can be easily done with plugin settings. If you need the detailed explanation, please submit your question to the General Discussion forum and our operators will be glad to assist you.