This doesn't help me much, works for latest but not anything else.
Also what about removing the voting on links and number of votes?
.ow_ivc_voteupdown {
display: none;
.ow_ivc_content {
margin-left: 0;
Or remove the vote component directly via the page template:
Go to /ow_plugins/links/views/controllers/list_index.html and comment the following strings:
<div class="ow_ivc_voteupdown">
<div class="ow_highbox" style="width: 55px;">
{if $mode != 'sum'}
<div class="ow_icon_control ow_ic_up_arrow" style="display: block; cursor: pointer; margin-bottom: 2px; margin-top: 2px;" onclick="vote({$id}, 'UP')">
<span id="lvru-{$id}" style="color: #00AA00; font-weight: bold;">{if isset($link.up)}{$link.up}{else}0{/if}</span>
<div class="ow_icon_control ow_ic_down_arrow" style="display: block; cursor: pointer; padding-bottom: 3px;" onclick="vote({$id}, 'DOWN')">
<span id="lvrd-{$id}" style="color: #FF6666; font-weight: bold;">{if isset($link.down)}{$link.down}{else}0{/if}</span>
<div class="clearfix">
<div style="float: left; width: 16px; height: 35px;">
<div class="ow_icon_control ow_ic_up_arrow" style="min-width: 16px; min-height: 16px; cursor: pointer; margin-bottom: 3px; display: block; padding: 0px;" onclick="vote({$id}, 'UP')"></div>
<div class="ow_icon_control ow_ic_down_arrow" style="cursor: pointer; min-width: 16px; min-height: 16px; display: block; padding: 0px;" onclick="vote({$id}, 'DOWN')"></div>
<div style="float: left; padding: 7px 5px 0px 13px;" class="ow_txt_value" id="lvrt-{$id}">
{if isset($link.voteTotal)}{$link.voteTotal}{else}0{/if}
<div id="vote-lbl-{$id}-container" class="ow_tiny" style=" height: 20px; display:{if $isAuthenticated && isset($userVotes[$id])} block {else} none {/if}" >
<span id="vote-lbl-{$id}" class="ow_lbutton {if isset($userVotes[$id])} {if $userVotes[$id]->vote < 0} ow_red {else} ow_green {/if} {/if}">{if isset($userVotes[$id])}{$userVotes[$id]->vote}{else}0{/if}</span>
<span id="vote-cancel-lbl-{$id}" class="ow_lbutton" onclick="vote({$id}, 'CANCEL')">{text key='links+cancel_vote'}</span>
However, be advised that in this case, the changes will be erased if you update the Links plugin.
The page you've shown on the screenshot is the latest users list, not the friends list. You can hide this tab adding the following CSS code via Admin Area > Appearance > CSS tab:
._latest {
Then simply create a new menu item with the URL to the, let's say, Online list and replace the standard Members item with the newly created one.