I recently reinstalled Oxwall 1.5.3 version on a new server to see if the image slide show would work and still no luck. When I click on the photo preview I get the progress bar like photo wants to load but never shows photo. Help!!!
1. Use any debug tool ( ex. firebug for firefox or native Chrome's debug tool).
2. Go to ow_userfiles/plugins/slideshow using your control panel or FTP.
a)Make sure that your images physically exist on the server.
b)Make sure that ow_userfiles folder and ALL folders within it have 777 permissions.
Images themselves should have 644 permissions.
If you don't know how to use debug tools, please provide your site URL.
the site url is www.sierrafamilysite.com
I did verifiy permissions and the images are there in the folder. I installed and used firebug did not find any errors occuring. Can you help?
Thanks for your site URL.
I have registered a user on your site. However verification email has not been received yet.
Can you verify and approve my account on your site, so that I can debug the issue for you?
I"m getting this message when I run the run.php for cron job, should I be worried about this message? Could this be why things aren't working for image slideshow?
That folder has full read,write,execute permissions and so do all sub folders. Just to make sure I even applied chmod 777 -R on ow_static folder again. I do have owner and group set to www-data not sure if that makes a difference.
I got it, it is the jevix.class.php file I downloaded a newer one I found on oxwall forums you recommended to another user unrelated to photos but for video. That seemed to work preview works as well as full picture view. Thanks for your help you can close the ticket out.