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Internal server error on secondary sites | Forum

Ikechukwu Oct 28 '13
I have an oxwall script installed on my primary site but on my newly registered secondary site, i get a 500 internal server error which only resolves when i rename the .htaccess file on the server. this though only allows for the index page on the primary site to open while Every other link (e.g groups) turns to a 404. Please how do i resolve this so i can run both simultaneously?
Alia Team
Alia Oct 28 '13
Ikechukwu, you will need to add some "magic" into your primary site's .htaccess file.
Something like this:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/secondarysitefoldername/

Assuming you have yoursite.com as primary oxwall  installation and  and yoursite.com/secondarysitefoldername as your secondary installation.
Ikechukwu Oct 29 '13
ok... that worked but unachiving the oxwall folder there and going to secondarysite/install leads to a 505 as well? :( ...sorry.
Alia Team
Alia Oct 29 '13
>>but unachiving the oxwall folder there

Сan you elaborate more on what exactly is not working?

>>and going to secondarysite/install leads to a 505 as well? :( ...sorry.

I need more information on what you did in your .htaccess and which URLs are not not accessible.
Also which browser are you using? Can you try in another ones?
Ikechukwu Oct 30 '13
Unarchiving it in the secondary domain leads to a 505... Google chrome. And there is this issue of a particular folder containing ow_plugins-privacy that will not just delete. I used it when this secondary site was the primary. Effected the change later and deleted the directories but that 1 won't just delete. Don't know if its the cause?
Ikechukwu Oct 30 '13
Seems to be a server side issue. Hv gone to work... hoping it resolves soon.
Alia Team
Alia Nov 1 '13
Let  me know once you find out what was causing your issues.
Ikechukwu Nov 2 '13
so server has been reset, i can delete whatever files i want, index page of secondary site shows up but after unachiving the oxwall software in the folder and going to mysite.com/install, i get a 500 still. :(
Alia Team
Alia Nov 4 '13
Ikechukwu,  enable DEBUG mode within the config.php  of your main site where you get 500 error.
Provide screen shot of your config.php settings in PM and the links to your a) main site b) site in folder