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Cron Job help [Solved] | Forum

Yohbaks Nov 4 '13
HELP! ive been searching for the solution for this, i dont know if the cron is working or not,

-- I followed Oxwall's directions and it didn't work 

here's my configuration , I have a subdomain and macbook is my subdomain


the command:

curl http://macbook.mywebsite.com/ow_cron/run.php

--- ive check the path of the ow_cron/run.php where : /home3/mywebsite.com/public_html/macbook/ow_cron/run.php : is the location.


now ive follow the steps of oxwall and test it by creating a new user, but in verification , I did not recive the confirmation email :(

my hosting is bluehost

The Forum post is edited by Alia Nov 6 '13
Alia Team
Alia Nov 4 '13
Yohbaks, first of all do you have SMTP enabled?
I am asking because verification emails are connected to CRONonly when SMTP is enabled.
Yohbaks Nov 4 '13
yeah..i enable it.


host/port: smtp.gmail.com :465

email: bobbyyu24@gmail.com

password: mypassword in gmail



in test connection.. i got this error "could not connect to smtp host"

thanks for the quick response Aliia :)

Yohbaks Nov 4 '13
in the cron job setup in cpanel., in cron email : I've use my email bobbyyu24@gmail.com for cron OUTput. and i recve email from cron daemon

  cron.png (31.95Kb)
Yohbaks Nov 4 '13
Alia Team
Alia Nov 4 '13

Is there any specific reason why you chose to use SMTP?

Have you tried to test with disabled SMTP?

Yohbaks Nov 4 '13
I've also tried disabling the smtp. and then create an new account but still im stuck with disame problem, i dont recive any verification email from the account i sign up :(
Alia Team
Alia Nov 4 '13
Ok.Thanks for clarifying.

Let's disable SMTP for now.
This might sound obvious, but:

1. Make sure that you have specified site email under : admin panel>>settings>>main settings
If you didn't specify anything there, enter your email and retest your registration again.

2. If everything is set under main settings and SMTP is disabled ( keep in mind it should be disabled) and verification emails are still not coming,  go to your database, find ow_base_mail table. Does it contain any data?
Yohbaks Nov 4 '13


*My SMTP is disable now, and I have already specified site email address under  admin panel>>settings>>main settings .

* I go to my database and find the ow_base_mail table, there are no data stored. :(

Alia Team
Alia Nov 4 '13
Yohbaks, strange.
=) Will you be able to provide access details to your admin panel? ( in PM)
Yohbaks Nov 4 '13
ok2x no problem :)
Fred Nov 4 '13
I have this exact problem since I upgraded, all worked great, not now...

So, since my screen looks exactly like his, what was the fix???

Thank you,


Alia Team
Alia Nov 4 '13
Fred, in case with Yohbaks, the issue was with the subject of the verifications emails. When email subject is changed to something other then "Verification email" emails are sent and received.  However Yohbaks is still testing and I didn't receive the confirmation that the issue is solved from him ( though I am receiving emails from his site).

Are you facing issues only with verification emails? Or mass mailing, activity notification, invitation emails as well?
Fred Nov 5 '13
all of the above except verification emails... Changed that title quite some time ago...

Alia Team
Alia Nov 5 '13
Further discussion with Fred can be found here: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/13938
Yohbaks Nov 6 '13
Hey Aliia. Thank You very much.. The problem was solved! :)