I will try to explain what is happenning to me:
If privay is everybody in blogs, photos and videos, everybody can see them in everywhere (Profile, Blog tab, Photo Tab, Video Tab)
If privacy is friends_only in blogs or photos or videos no one can see them in tabs, in profile privacy is working fine, the problem is when user click on IE blogs tab, can not see the blogs stated as friends_only in privacy, either the owner or Administrator can see them.
In photos, the thing is quite different, the administrator is able to see photos with "friends_only" privay as private also if the administrator is friend of the owner.
Where do you think is the problem? Could be a privacy bug or a Blogs, Photos, Videos bug?
I am trying to do a bit of reverse engeneering but no luck for now?
Can you please give me a tip?
Edit: I have tried links and happens the same, if privacy is "friends_only" nobody can see the links on Links Tab...