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No refunds, bad service, amateuristic store... [sorted] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » Oxwall Store
Martin Nov 7 '13
I have bought MANY plugins in the store and at least 10 do not work as advertised, or do not work at all.

If you ask for a refund, you never get an answer and the only way is to try to get a Paypal refund.

I hope Oxwall will take the Store a bit more serious in the near future and: 

- check all plugins before being advertised

- arrange all payments through oxwall and not directly

- better service and money back guarantee

And where does this leaves me at the moment? Spent hundreds of Euro's on plugins that do NOTHING or stopped working...

Martin Beek

The Forum post is edited by Den Nov 21 '13
Den Team
Den Nov 12 '13
Hello Martin,

Really sad you had such bad experience with plugins on Store. Especially this looks sad as each item in Store is moderated by team and the most developers are very open to provide you with customer's support in public or private. Have you left any review on items you didn't get any support? You know this is a good way to share your personal experience with the community and still ask a developer to assist you if he didn't reply on your request (which could be reported to moderation team also).

tammy harris
tammy harris Nov 12 '13
i have had lots problem with some plugins and developers 
some ask to pm them to descus the problem and give bullshit excuses 
i have found if you want something fixed keep them talking in the plugin form 
so is there for everyone to see , seem to get them to pull there finger out 
i have got most sort off going but music extream nothing from the developer the plugin should be removed from the store 
Exaspian Studios
Exaspian Studios Nov 13 '13
This is exactly why my team and I try to do in-depth reviews of plugins/themes. If there is a problem with the plugin and someone reviews it you WILL find out about that problem. If I had my say I'd make it that every plugin released is reviewed by someone trustworthy and given an honest opinion.
Petar Šlat
Petar Šlat Nov 16 '13
@Exaspian Studios How do you review the plugin/theme without buying it?

Here is my idea:
Star rating system for the plugins is already implemented. From the UX system should try to enforce customer to leave a review. I don't know the correct environment but star rate system could maybe be implemented per transaction (Transaction is when customer buys a plugin or a theme). If customer is satisfied, he leaves his grade from the "my Purchases" tab in the store.
I think that would be much more convenient and better UX. System should guide a user :)
Den Team
Den Nov 18 '13
Petar +1,

Reasonable suggestion. This would really help to increase reviewers by simplifying the process. A buyer won't be have to to to item's page to leave review. 

Petar Šlat
Petar Šlat Nov 19 '13

I would be a lot more interested to somehow allow rating after user installs a plugin via some API.

Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Dec 12 '13
Log into oxwall!  Receive popup!  Popup reads.....

Before proceeding please make sure to rate these plugins/themes you recently purchased! 

Rate them in popup! Click proceed! Browse Oxwall.org

The Forum post is edited by Oxwall Accessories Dec 12 '13