I find Oxwall being slow and wonder if I'm the only one to have this.
It takes around 3 seconds to bring the login page. Is it as expected?
33 requests ❘ 26.2 KB transferred ❘ 1.57 s (load: 1.57 s, DOMContentLoaded: 981 ms)
33 requests ❘ 13.2 KB transferred ❘ 1.04 s (load: 1.16 s, DOMContentLoaded: 1.16 s)
if you contact your hosting company I am sure that they will be able to give you a detailed report on which scripts load your server the most. Once you get this info, it will be easier to find a way to increase your site speed.
You will definitely need to check how ofter your CRON runs to resolve the issue with users showing up as online even if they are not. CRON configuration manual can be found here: http://docs.oxwall.org/install:cron
Also, there are many posts related to this problem, please do the search