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Combining Member Awards with Level - Membership Level | Forum

Kenneth Nov 22 '13
Both features are great however, They don't sync. If you make them the same names in the levels. One is always acquired before the other. Also it would be cool to have a bar meter showing your current level on the left and the one you are gaining points towards on the right.

Kinda like a video game.

This can be made many different ways and it's simple.

This will also save admins the trouble of trying to make a "Legend" to show off the achievements etc. In the end just a new meter and syncing either the same or putting them together would be nice.

One last thing. A page to show who has what achievements would be kinda cool to. So you see a friend with one more achievement then you so you think "well time to post" because you want to be on par at the very least with him.

Purusothaman Ramanujam
Good ideas. Thanks for it. But both these plugins are for different purpose as different site owners has different needs.

I will see on them.
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