the following exception is triggered constantly.
this line in init.php
OW_ViewRenderer::getInstance()->registerFunction('display_rate', array('BASE_CTRL_Rate', 'displayRate'));
causes a class "smarty" to autoload but then tries to autoload "Smarty_Security" which fails.
Smarty not registered
> autoload.php!OW_Autoload->getClassPath() Line 130 PHP
autoload.php!OW_Autoload::autoload() Line 103 PHP
autoload.php!include() Line 0 PHP
autoload.php!OW_Autoload::autoload() Line 110 PHP
view_renderer.php!OW_ViewRenderer->__construct() Line 0 PHP
view_renderer.php!OW_ViewRenderer::getInstance() Line 55 PHP
init.php!include() Line 122 PHP
plugin_manager.php!OW_PluginManager->initPlugins() Line 107 PHP
application.php!OW_Application->init() Line 133 PHP
index.php!{main} Line 43 PHP