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Quick links displaying all time | Forum

W.SNEIJDER Nov 26 '13

I wanted to know if it is possible that the "Quick Links" widget be always displayed.

Let me explain, when a new member joins, quick links are not visible, after sending photos or create groups ... links appears.

Is there a way to make quick links'm always visible.

Thank you in advance
  pls.jpg (141.82Kb)
Daisy Team
Daisy Nov 27 '13
Yes, it's possible. You can make changes in the /ow_system_plugins/base/components/quick_links_widget.php file.
W.SNEIJDER Nov 27 '13
And how?
W.SNEIJDER Nov 27 '13
And 2 :

We can transform the links Quick links button like on facebook?

Daisy Team
Daisy Dec 3 '13

Quote from Bayrak PaŞa And how?

Sorry, but I can only give you the direction and you should find the solution by deeply checking into the code and it's behavior.

Quote from Bayrak PaŞa And 2 :

We can transform the links Quick links button like on facebook?


Sorry, but it's not quite clear. Could you please provide me with more details.
W.SNEIJDER Dec 7 '13
How display all time the quick links ?


W.SNEIJDER Dec 18 '13
up ????
Daisy Team
Daisy Dec 20 '13
If you want to display all links in this widget even if a user did not add the content, you should check all the plugins which add the link to this widget and remove the condition which is responsible for the link appearance. Let's take the Blog plugin as an example. If you take a look at the /ow_plugins/blogs/init.php file you will see the following condition:

if ( $count > 0 )
        if ($postCount > 0)
            $url = OW::getRouter()->urlForRoute('blog-manage-posts');
        else if ($draftCount > 0)
            $url = OW::getRouter()->urlForRoute('blog-manage-drafts');

            BASE_CMP_QuickLinksWidget::DATA_KEY_LABEL => OW::getLanguage()->text('blogs', 'my_blog'),
            BASE_CMP_QuickLinksWidget::DATA_KEY_URL => OW::getRouter()->urlForRoute('user-blog', array('user'=>$username)),
            BASE_CMP_QuickLinksWidget::DATA_KEY_COUNT => $count,
            BASE_CMP_QuickLinksWidget::DATA_KEY_COUNT_URL => $url,

This condition says that if there is at least one post, the link should appear.

Sorry, but this is all I can provide you with. If you want to make modifications, you should have knowledge of PHP, HTML, CSS and programming skills.
W.SNEIJDER Dec 20 '13
thanks for you help :)
Daisy Team
Daisy Dec 23 '13
You are welcome.