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Any Ideal on hostdepartment | Forum

Kelvin {the GodFada}
Your hosting account doesn't meet the following requirements:
register_globals must be off (currently on)

Please correct these before you can proceed with Oxwall installation. Complete server requirements list and compatible hosting can be found at Oxwall.org/hosting

pls how can i off it: register_globals must be off (currently on)

Austeyr Dec 3 '13
Well you should first check with your hosting provider to see if this is something they offer.

But there are 2 ways one way is via php.ini file and thats normally controlled by your host im not sure how to set that but you can google it, the other way is via .htaccess and you can type or copy the text below:

 php_flag register_globals off

P.s do check with your hosting provider.

The Forum post is edited by Austeyr Dec 3 '13