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Profile Edit With Error [Answered] | Forum

Kelvin {the GodFada}
Pls someone should help me out.
Some error codes shows on the Buttom Page whenever a user editting his/her profile. pls what should i do to rectify the problem?
Bellow is the screenShot or the erro.
The Forum post is edited by Alia Dec 12 '13
  error.jpg (143.42Kb)
ross Team
ross Dec 8 '13
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Alia Team
Alia Dec 9 '13
Kelvin,  other users reported that  TINY MCE plugin is causing this error. Try deactivating it.
Kelvin {the GodFada}
i have remove it and no more error, thaks Aliia.

Please Aliia, Help me with this, i have post this for long but no one seems to respond, pls dont ignore me like others

(1). Please how can i Edit the Email on the profile question to not Required because am unable to edit  the email on the profile question and also how to make new Users to Register/Join with Phone number without email?

that is for users that has no email address to be able to register with Phone number just like facebook? not every user have email and some have but like to use phone number.

please help me. i need it

(2). How can i make the plugins on the Dash Board to apear on the Main page? Cos i use the Main as my home page.

Pls i need to know how i can do that.

thaks for your help

(3). Were can i found the opening <body> tag of my site? i need to add facebook like, share, sugest button to my site. and fb said i should add the given code to
the opening <body> tag

(4). Please how can i remove the Capcha from the signUp page?

(5). Please how can i setup a referer Link on my sire to get more people from other site by following the referer link?
Some body pls help me.

Alia Team
Alia Dec 9 '13
1. Making email not required.

You will need to edit join.php ( ow_system_plugins/base/controllers) and remove the coding for email validation.
In addition you will need to edit "ow_base_question" table of your database and set the "Email" row to =0 under "Required" column.

That is all I can help you with.

2. Phone number to act like email so that users can register by using their phone number.

Email field is a system field. It is currently required because many important features in Oxwall are connected to email: verification, mass mailing, activity notification emails and others.

So if you remove email field and use phone number instead your users will not be able to use some major site features.

If you manage to make email field not required, you can then just add new profile question in admin panel called "Phone Number" and make it required.
But in this case "Phone Number" field will not carry any functionality, it will be just a field with some data.

2. I think that you are referring to widgets here.
If you would like to move widgets of plugins currently available on dashaboard page to main page, you will need to edit each plugins's activate.php file. There you will see a line that looks like:

$placeWidget = BOL_ComponentAdminService::getInstance()->addWidgetToPlace($widget, BOL_ComponentAdminService::PLACE_PROFILE);
BOL_ComponentAdminService::getInstance()->addWidgetToPosition($placeWidget, BOL_ComponentAdminService::SECTION_RIGHT, 0);

So instead of PLACE_PROFILE, you can try and move needed widget to PLACE_DASHBOARD

3. ow_themes/origin/master_pages/html_document.html

4. Refer to http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/6586?&page=2

5. Unfortunately I can't help you with this question.
Kelvin {the GodFada}
Thank you Aliia, Am confused, i mean i just wont to make the Email not required, i dont wont to delet it.
Pls kindly step by step line to edit the code so that my site will not be faulty please in the name of God.
Alia Team
Alia Dec 10 '13
Kelvin, Oxwall doesn't provide support on custom code modifications and therefore I can't give you detailed step by step instructions.
We can only point where the changes need to be done.