1. Making email not required.
You will need to edit join.php ( ow_system_plugins/base/controllers) and remove the coding for email validation.
In addition you will need to edit "ow_base_question" table of your database and set the "Email" row to =0 under "Required" column.
That is all I can help you with.
2. Phone number to act like email so that users can register by using their phone number.
Email field is a system field. It is currently required because many important features in Oxwall are connected to email: verification, mass mailing, activity notification emails and others.
So if you remove email field and use phone number instead your users will not be able to use some major site features.
If you manage to make email field not required, you can then just add new profile question in admin panel called "Phone Number" and make it required.
But in this case "Phone Number" field will not carry any functionality, it will be just a field with some data.
2. I think that you are referring to widgets here.
If you would like to move widgets of plugins currently available on dashaboard page to main page, you will need to edit each plugins's activate.php file. There you will see a line that looks like:
$placeWidget = BOL_ComponentAdminService::getInstance()->addWidgetToPlace($widget, BOL_ComponentAdminService::PLACE_PROFILE);
BOL_ComponentAdminService::getInstance()->addWidgetToPosition($placeWidget, BOL_ComponentAdminService::SECTION_RIGHT, 0);
So instead of PLACE_PROFILE, you can try and move needed widget to PLACE_DASHBOARD
3. ow_themes/origin/master_pages/html_document.html
4. Refer to
5. Unfortunately I can't help you with this question.