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comments do not work help [Answered] | Forum

chicoynano Dec 11 '13

first apologize for using the google translator to communicate, but not English, said,

Hello, I have this site

interests rock

the thing is that it leaves no comment in hand, is continually loading and no ability to write, nothing

Leave a screenshot, I appears that little circle endlessly circling

I will be very grateful for his help

The Forum post is edited by Alia Dec 15 '13
  Captura.PNG (29.41Kb)
chicoynano Dec 11 '13
Alia Team
Alia Dec 11 '13

This issue is known to be caused by one of the following:

1. Third party plugin. If you installed any plugins lately, try deactivating them one by one. Check comments after each deactivation.

2. Third party javascript code added to Custom HTML widgets or to the .html files directly.
Try removing your Custom HTML widgets one by one as well.

If #1 and #2 didn't solve your issue, use any debug tool ( ex. Firebug for Firefox) to debug the issue.
If you don't know how to use debug tools, please provide your site URL.

chicoynano Dec 12 '13
gracias lo voy a intentar pense en algun pluning,desintale todos pero no resolvió el problema 


chicoynano Dec 12 '13
Quote from Aliia chicoynano,

This issue is known to be caused by one of the following:

1. Third party plugin. If you installed any plugins lately, try deactivating them one by one. Check comments after each deactivation.

2. Third party javascript code added to Custom HTML widgets or to the .html files directly.
Try removing your Custom HTML widgets one by one as well.

If #1 and #2 didn't solve your issue, use any debug tool ( ex. Firebug for Firefox) to debug the issue.
If you don't know how to use debug tools, please provide your site URL.

Alia Team
Alia Dec 12 '13

1. Can you switch to english language and retest comments?
2. Can you remove "Share this" block located at the bottom of your page and retest again.

Let me know the results.
chicoynano Dec 15 '13
Quote from Aliia chicoynano,

1. Can you switch to english language and retest comments?
2. Can you remove "Share this" block located at the bottom of your page and retest again.

Let me know the results.

por desgracia me cerraron la web ,estaba en un host gratuito ,instalé en otra de nuevo y por ahora todo bien ,gracias por su atención

Alia Team
Alia Dec 15 '13
You are welcome. Glad to hear everything works on your new host now.
ali Apr 11 '23
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