Alright, I've got some issues so let's see if it can be fixed.
1. When logging in, sometimes the page does not refresh automatically and the user doesn't know if they got logged in successfully or not.
2. The facebook connect button does not work on the home/front page. I can go to any other page, and it appear fine.
3. I cannot like anything. Example: Someone just joins the site, I am unable to like it.
4. I am not able to post status's or comments on anything because where the text field applies, I am not able to see or locate a "submit" button of any time.
5. Lastly, I am not able to customize any pages from a users point of view. I am able to do so in the admin panel, but not outside of it. The link is clickable, but nothing happens.
Thanks all for the help in advance.
Please notice, this site is not yet open to the public, just in the setting up stage.
EDIT: It seems like the site is lacking javascript, but thats just my guess.