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Text Editor Menu Items Not Active for IE11 [To be fixed] | Forum

dave Leader
dave Dec 22 '13

I think this is more a bug with IE than it is with Oxwall, but i wanted to post this here because this is the first place people will look when they encounter the problem.  So this is a good place to be able to give them the information they need. 

I am not 100% sure it is a IE issue but i wanted to address it just in case. 

Issue:  On IE11 the text editor icons such as insert image and insert video and the others do not function, they are not even active.   I did set the compatibility mode and they work under compatibility mode but the page menus in that mode are all over the place.  

I also tried FF and it works fine in FireFox.... no issue there...

So this at first does seem to be and IE issue but i will need to dig deeper when i can...

The Forum post is edited by Alia Dec 22 '13
S. Bourdon
S. Bourdon Dec 22 '13
Confirmed by Allia: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/14648

It's a IE11 bug!

But if someone could find a fix and post the code changes, I would be very grateful!  ;)