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Sitemap and htaaccess [Answered] | Forum

Rainey Dec 22 '13
I'm trying to get an xml sitemap added to my page.  I have the file on the server, but am getting a 404.  I saw something about editing the htaaccess file, but I don't know what to add, etc....will someone help?


xml file is  "paganspeak_sitemap.xml"  (there is an html version on the server too)

thank you!

The Forum post is edited by Alia Dec 29 '13
Alia Team
Alia Dec 22 '13
Rainey, check  step #5 of this FAQ: http://docs.oxwall.org/...stom-pages-to-oxwall

So your .htaccess line should look like:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/name_of_your_file\.xml

Rainey Dec 27 '13