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Jquery versions conflict | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Alex Philipp
Alex Philipp Dec 26 '13

Can I possibly get info from Oxwall developer, which files requests ow_static/plugins/base/js/jquery-1.7.1.min.js  

This string exists on each page of Oxwall sites

But it caused the conflict with new jquery versions like 1.9.1, if we try to add this to custom pages, etc 

Have 2 general questions:

1. Which base Oxwall files requests 1.7.1?

2. How we can escape conflict with new versions of jquery?

ross Team
ross Jan 15 '14
We have updated jquery in the last build, you need to update your software or not to use scripts which use 1.9 library. Also, please check whether your widget can work on 1.7, then remove request of 1.9 from your script.