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problems of graphical user interfaces with Oxwall | Forum

moslem abbassi
moslem abbassi Dec 27 '13
Hello everybody,

I installed Oxwall 1.5.3 on localhost, but really I noticed that the graphical user interfaces are so strange because they aren't like the ones of the Demo on this web site. I will show you some screenshots , here they are:

the picture below is the screenshot of what it is shown when I type this URL http://localhost/oxwall/index.php :

and this picture below is of what it is shown when I type this URL http://localhost/oxwall/ow_install/install.php to install Oxwall:

So, my question is : what is the problem?? and what shall I do to have the real graphical user interfaces??

Thanks a lot.

Alia Team
Alia Dec 29 '13
Hello Moslem, looks like you are either missing some folders or they have incorrect permissions.

Maker sure that following folders are writable by setting 777 permissions:

ow_pluginfiles ow_userfiles, ow_static, ow_smarty/template_c
moslem abbassi
moslem abbassi Dec 31 '13
Hello miss Aliia, in fact the folders you mentioned are writable (I checked that out by clicking by the right button of the mouse on each of that folders then selecting the option "properties" from the Drop-down menu then clicking on the tab "security"). Here there are some screenshots (I am so sorry my computer vista operating system is in French not in English):

When I click on ow_pluginfiles folder by the right button of my mouse.

I select the option "proprieties" (which is here in French "Propriétés") from the Drop-down menu.

Then I click on the "security" tab.

As you see at the screenshot below, the option "writable" (which is "Ecriture" in French here ) is active.

By the way miss Aliida, you said that it looks like you are either missing some folders, but in fact I downloaded the compressed Oxwall installation folder from this web site. So what was the problem exactly??

Thanks a lot.

The Forum post is edited by moslem abbassi Dec 31 '13
Alia Team
Alia Jan 1 '14

The package itself contains all needed files. But sometimes when users download/install package some files just don't get installed correctly.

1. Try to view source code of you site ( right click on any page>>view source code) and click on one of the CSS links. What does browser show you?
2. Open your config.php. Make sure that it doesn't contain any empty spaces in URLs/paths.

moslem abbassi
moslem abbassi Jan 2 '14
hello miss Aliia,

this is the screenshot of the page that the browser shows when I type this URL adress http://localhost/oxwall/index.php :

and this is the screenshot of its source code:

when I click on each of the two CSS links, the browser shows me this page:

concerning the config.php file , here they are two screenshots of its code:

as you see above, there aren't any empty spaces in URLs/paths, which really makes me surprised!!.

what shall I do to resolve the problem??!!

thanks a lot.

Alia Team
Alia Jan 5 '14
moslem abbassi, can you  change  'https://localhost/....' to just 'http://localhost/...'  in your config.php?
moslem abbassi
moslem abbassi Jan 6 '14
but it is already 'http://localhost/...' !!... here is the screenshot:

Alia Team
Alia Jan 6 '14
Moslem, oh, sorry. I was just looking at your previous screen shot where you had https.

Next step: remove /index.php part from the OW_URL_HOME .
moslem abbassi
moslem abbassi Jan 6 '14
hello miss Aliia, 

finally, when I removed the /index.php part from the OW_URL_HOME, my problem has been resolved.

when I type this URL address localhost/oxwall/admin I see this page:

after logging in I see this one:

and when I type this URL address http://localhost/oxwall/ I obtain this one:

As you see miss Aliia everything here is all right...really thanks a lot for your help to resolve this problem...my best regards!!

Alia Team
Alia Jan 7 '14
You are welcome :)