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Modification In User Search | Forum

Dhananjay Gupta
Dhananjay Gupta Dec 27 '13
Hi all

Please can any one tell me where to edit the code such that - when user search members -- they get only opposite sex members in search result, means male memebrs only and always get  female profile in user search result and vice versa

I know that we have to get gender of current logged-in user and then based on that we have to filter member search result for getting opposite gender profiles only, but I don't know where to edit in core oxwall files

please help me in doing so



Daisy Team
Daisy Mar 6 '14
Dhananjay, this requires a new plugin development. I suggest that you download our new Plugin Skeleton plugin to see how to use this or that function. Here is URL to the Store item: http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/695

If you are not familiar with the plugin development, it would be better for you to find a developer who can help you with it. Please visit our Oxwall Market (http://www.oxwall.org/market/specialists). Or search for the existing plugins in the Store.