Here is an opportunity to give your Oxwall site a boost and help others discover what theme or plugin you think can be helpful to them.
Here is how it works
Send us a review of your favorite Oxwall theme or plugin and earn 1 week advertisement space on EWT ( for each review you mail to us.
Your 250*250 or 300*250 advertisement banner will be rotated among other advertisers banners for a period on 1 wk/review. We will email you statistics of your ad clicks after the campaign has ended.
The Rules are Simple:
*Your review must be unique and informative.
*Must contain at least 250 words
*Must not contain links irrelevant to the plugin or theme being reviewed.
How to Apply:
Send us an e-mail containing the following detail:
- ADVERT IMAGE (250*250 OR 300*250) in JPG format
Include all the necessary screen shots in your email attachment and do not forget to include the subject item download link (Oxwall store) to your review.
Email us at: