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Cannot get into Admin | Forum

Andrew Jan 7 '14
I set up www.kikkoff.com and as admin all was fine, until i clicked on the 'synchronise' button and synchorised with my facebook account. For me, I naturally thought this is so much easier, 1 click and I am in. However, I am no longer the admin of my site and my name has been changed from akingsail to andrewk which is not a username I would use!
I put this on here as a bug, since either admins should not be allowed to sign in with facebook, or should retain admin rights. Quite important!
How do I regain access to my admin please?
Many thanks in advance
Alia Team
Alia Jan 8 '14

After synchronizing with your FB account, you still should have stayed on your profile page, where you could have changed your username to whatever you want to.

In addition no matter which your username is, you can always log in using your email ( in case if email was synchronized, you can log in using email you used on your FB account).

Password should have remained the same and you should not have lost any admin rights.

Have you already tried to log in using andrewk and your password?