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1.6 plugins say up to date? | Forum

Joseph Jan 8 '14
when I upload the plugin updates for 1.6(newsfeed,blog,etc) it tells me to update the db so when I do it says plugin is up to date.I keep getting told to update the db over and over again. I have already ran the 1.6 update for the core.
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Jan 8 '14
im also having this prolem 
Joseph Jan 8 '14
I solved the issue by working around I now will update my second website using an alternate method I will re[port results and what I did differently if it is successful
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Jan 8 '14
how did you solve this 
Joseph Jan 8 '14
did you use the oxwall plugin uploader? if so you will need to correct the folder names in your cpanel. For some reason the oxwall plugin uploader duplicated the folders when doing a manual update. The best way I found to not get thsi issue is to upload the updated plugins directly in cpanel if you know how. Here is an example of the issue.

Just delete the original folder and rename the new folder to replace it.

Brandon Jan 8 '14
This is the error I'm getting when trying to update.

Notice: Use of undefined constant E_DEPRECATED - assumed 'E_DEPRECATED' in /home/*******/public_html/ow_core/error_manager.php on line 140

The Forum post is edited by Brandon Jan 8 '14
Alia Team
Alia Jan 8 '14
Brandon, this notice appear because of your PHP version ( most likely your PHP version is lower then 5.3).

1. Find out your version of PHP using steps 1,2,3 under "GD Library" section of this manual: http://docs.oxwall.org/faq:captcha-troubleshooting

2. If your version of PHP is lower then 5.3, check whether your hosting company can update it for you.

If your host can not update PHP version to 5.3, open error_manager.php mentioned in your error notice and comment out following line:

           //case E_DEPRECATED:

Alia Team
Alia Jan 9 '14
>>when I upload the plugin updates for 1.6(newsfeed,blog,etc) it tells me to update the db so when I do it says plugin is up to date.I keep getting told to update the db over and over again. I have already ran the 1.6 update for the core.

That is the new feature that was added to 1.6.
For example, you have "Photo" plugin and you are doing manual update from admin panel ( adding same plugin using "Add New" option). System will create another folder "Photo39" (numbers may vary) and therefore plugin update will not happen.

This is done so that plugins with same names don't conflict with each other.

If you would like to add new versions of already existing plugins, make sure to delete old ones first via cpanel OR rename old ones like Joseph did.