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Create a back up | Forum

Lie Jan 8 '14
Can anyone show me step by step how to create a backup for your Oxwall site in cpanel?  I want to update 1.6 but I want the create a backup first in case something go wrong I can go back to 1.5.3 but I don't know how to create a backup. Please show me thanks.

Alia Team
Alia Jan 9 '14


2. Search the Store by "backup" keyword, and you will find couple of back up plugins that might work for you.
Wilson Jan 13 '14
I would stay with version 1.5.3 until they get things working! Don’t update any plugins, save all of your current plugins.

The Forum post is edited by Wilson Jan 15 '14
Alia Team
Alia Jan 15 '14
Sorry to hear that your update didn't go well Wilson.

I have helped hundreds of people with their updates in past week and I can tell that majority of all reported issues (about 70%) are connected to third party plugins/themes which are not yet compatible with 1.6.

Only about 20% of issues turned out to be real bugs either within the core platform or within our plugins. We are working on fixing all reported/confirmed bugs. Updated plugins and  fixes are on their way.

I understand your recommendation to hold on with the update. However even if you wait for 1.6.3 with all the fixed bugs, you can't be 100% that update will go smoothly.

Therefore I strongly recommend to start trying to update now. If you don't want to do this on your live site, then make a full back of your site>>install it somewhere in subfolder creating a testing environment for updates. Try updating this test site, so that when you are ready to update your live site you are prepared and know what you are doing.

Wilson Jan 15 '14
Thanks Aliia for your input and endless help here. I agree with you with when it comes to smooth updates. Please read my post regarding 1.6 version here http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/15458?page=5#post-79475

The Forum post is edited by Wilson Jan 15 '14