Well, the bug i found is critical..
1. When the user doesn't click sign-out he remains online all the time and its never updated to offline when the user closes his browser without signing out
2. Well this one is quite Crappy.. Anyone can chat with any1 using the chat plugin.
even they are friends, or they are not
Just they have to be a member on the site.. and just go on any1's profile and just click on his status if its online then BINGO..!!
Well this is a big problem and needs to be tackled soon
this is the example as tested on demo.oxwall.org
i m not friend with ny1 there and yet i hv two friends online..
3. Also if a user has 2 or more tabs open from the same site.. then he is unable to signout from the site.. until or unless he closes all the tabs from the same site and logout with a single tab left open