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email sent for invite, but they get error after trying to register? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Mr Ez Street
Mr Ez Street Jan 10 '14
I have a few invite only sites. One I setup I have me and one other admin on. I have sent my self a invite email to make a how to video on, and after filling out the info, and the gottcha I get a error stating site is closed to registration? This was a invite sent to the email I was registering with too.
snap shot of it...

It may be a simple setting. I have had some one on another site I built state same thing. Do the email invites have a time limit? I resent a invite, but when I tried it, the "email address has been used" was stated

Any how...thanks guys!
ross Team
ross Jan 20 '14
Mr Ez, 

Have you upgraded to 1.6? Do you have several account types on your website?