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fixed full screen background image no longer fixed after upgrade to 1.6 [Solved] | Forum

Nils Jan 11 '14
I had modified the base.css file of oxwall to keep the background picture fixed rather than scrolling with the foreground.

I had saved the old base.css file and replaced it. However no matter what I do, I cannot get the background image to stay "fixed" and full screen.

what am I missing or doing wrong?

thanks in advance,


The Forum post is edited by Alia Jan 20 '14
Alia Team
Alia Jan 13 '14
Nils, do you mind sharing your css changes? In PM if you don't want this to be publicly visible.

Also, have you tried to add the same CSS changes via admin panel?
Nils Jan 17 '14
Hello Aliia,

thanks for answering my question.

here is the change I made to the base.css I included a few lines so you can see where.

What did I miss?

thank you for your help.

body {
background-color:#f0f0f0;/** OW_Control type:color, section:1. General Settings, key:bodyColor, label: Page background color **/ 
background-image:url('images/bg.jpg');/** OW_Control type:image, key:backgroundImage, section: 1. General Settings, label: Page background image **/


Nils Jan 17 '14
tried adding the same in the css changes screen - no success..
Nils Jan 18 '14
tried adding the following in the edit css and no change. Any idea what I am missing?

<html><head><style>body {background-image:url('images/image.jpg');background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:fixed;background-position:center;background-size:100% 100%;}</style></head></html>

Nils Jan 18 '14
Hello Aliia,

I have managed to solve my problem by activating dev_mode in the config.php, modifying the css and then hitting f5. 

thanks for your help,
