Which plugins are you using?
Can you also go to ow_plugins/friends/bol/service.php.
from the .htaccess file @ userfiles and its working thanks a lot to aliia for her help !!
Can you also go to ow_plugins/friends/bol/service.php.
and <a href="{$user_url}">{$name}</a> are now friends
what to do about this ? delete
<a href="{$user_url}">{$name}</a> are now friends ?
thank for help.
from the .htaccess file @ userfiles,but still not working at all. thank for help.
Options All -Indexes
Are you using cloudflare?
Have you checked permissions
following folder must have 777 permissions set recursively:
I checked it, autominify and railgun was off.
and #Options All -Indexes
but still not working.
newfeeds working when I deactive photo plugins, newfeeds can't upload pic again when I
active photo plugins. why newfeeds and photo can't working together ? thank again.