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Pictures show blank, can't upload pictures in newsfeed | Forum

Kumi Festus
Kumi Festus Jan 12 '14
Do you have any idea why I can't upload in the newsfeed. when I upload pictures they are blank.
when users become friends, their photos don't show up. Also one name appears twice like this:
Kumi and Kumi are friends now. Instead of some thing like A and B are friends now, it shows like A and A are friends now or B and B are friends now.
Look at this picture:

Ayman Jan 12 '14
I have the same problem :(!
ross Team
ross Jan 20 '14

Which plugins are you using? 

Can you also go to ow_plugins/friends/bol/service.php. 

What do you have on lines 136-150?
Should be:

    //Add Newsfeed activity action 
        $event = new OW_Event('feed.action', array( 
            'pluginKey' => 'friends', 
            'entityType' => 'friend_add', 
            'entityId' => $frendshipDto->id, 
            'userId' => array($requesterId, $userId), 
            'feedType' => 'user', 
            'feedId' => $requesterId 
        ), array( 
            'string' => array("key" => 'friends+newsfeed_action_string', "vars" => array( 
                'user_url' => $uUrls[$userId], 
                'name' => $names[$userId], 
                'requester_url' => $uUrls[$requesterId], 
                'requester_name' => $names[$requesterId] 

And in admin panel>>settings>>language value for the key in bold should be: 
and <a href="{$user_url}">{$name}</a> are now friends
Den Team
Den Jan 20 '14
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Ayman Jan 20 '14
Thanks ross i have got it to work :) i deleted the line Options All - Indexes is not allowed

 from the .htaccess file @ userfiles and its working thanks a lot to aliia for her help !!

The Forum post is edited by Ayman Jan 20 '14
joe Aug 22 '18

Can you also go to ow_plugins/friends/bol/service.php. 

What do you have on lines 136-150?
Should be:

    //Add Newsfeed activity action 
        $event = new OW_Event('feed.action', array( 
            'pluginKey' => 'friends', 
            'entityType' => 'friend_add', 
            'entityId' => $frendshipDto->id, 
            'userId' => array($requesterId, $userId), 
            'feedType' => 'user', 
            'feedId' => $requesterId 
        ), array( 
            'string' => array("key" => 'friends+newsfeed_action_string', "vars" => array( 
                'user_url' => $uUrls[$userId], 
                'name' => $names[$userId], 
                'requester_url' => $uUrls[$requesterId], 
                'requester_name' => $names[$requesterId] 

And in admin panel>>settings>>language value for the key in bold should be: 

and <a href="{$user_url}">{$name}</a> are now friends


what to do about this ? delete
<a href="{$user_url}">{$name}</a> are now friends ?

thank for help.

joe Aug 22 '18
I deleted the line Options All - Indexes is not allowed

 from the .htaccess file @ userfiles,but still not working at all. thank for help.

dave Leader
dave Aug 22 '18
Joe if that did not work then put that code back in your htaccess file please. 

Options All -Indexes

Are you using cloudflare?

Have you checked permissions 

following folder must have 777 permissions set recursively:



The Forum post is edited by dave Aug 22 '18
joe Aug 23 '18
yes I using cloudflare, and those file all 777 ready, I don't know why still not working?
dave Leader
dave Aug 23 '18
in cloudflare turn off  speed->autominify  and railgun if you have them checked

if that does not work, are you able to display the images via url in browser directly?

The Forum post is edited by dave Aug 23 '18
dave Leader
dave Aug 23 '18
I was able to replicate the issue and all i did was open up the ow_userfiles/.htaccess file and comment out the code and it worked. 

placing a # at the very front makes it a comment that will not be executed.

#Options All -Indexes

The Forum post is edited by dave Aug 23 '18
joe Aug 24 '18

I checked it, autominify  and railgun was off.

and #Options All -Indexes

but still not working.

joe Aug 24 '18

newfeeds working when I deactive photo plugins, newfeeds can't upload pic again when I

active photo plugins.  why newfeeds and photo can't working together ? thank again.

dave Leader
dave Aug 24 '18
have you tried turning off all your third party plugins, sounds like a extra plugin conflict.