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Users always online | Forum

Walter Feb 1 '14
I've browsed the forums for all of the topics related to this.. but on chat, and on their profiles my users are always online.. I hear that is unless they specifically log out. I also read that it's 30 minutes for it to kick in that they aren't there.... Is there anyway to diminish that?

Also, I get all other notifications okay so I don't think it's my cron.

My Cron is set for every minute with the string: /usr/local/bin/php /home/walter94/public_html/www.playerjunkies.com/ow_cron/run.php

What can I do about this?

Pete Feb 1 '14
You cron is set wrong ,you need to ask your webhost for the correct cron string
Walter Feb 1 '14
You know, that seems the go to thing for everyone to say about this problem. But! I can tell you my cron was not wrong. I have set it up exactly right, it had to do with the script handling sessions. It uses a timestamp to make them offline in 30 minutes located in user_service.php

It said time() - 30 * 60 which is 30 minutes 60 seconds... so I changed it to time() - 15 which changed it to 15 seconds. There's a little bit of a delay but it now works.

You see, normally expiring online users would be sufficient but using chat as a form of communication it doesn't work very well. Even though there is more delay than I like it's satisfied to me.

God Speed my friend.

albina muro
albina muro Mar 15

The times you should take your dog for a walk to improve his well-being

For an adult dog top-rated family pets, three times a day is the minimum they should go out, but there is no maximum number. For any animal it is a moment of joy and fun, whether 8 hours or 8 minutes have passed. Puppies need to go outside more frequently, and the younger they are, the more frequently they need to relieve themselves and get some air. Of course, it is advisable not to take the puppy out too often when he is young and learning, as this helps him train his sphincter muscles.

On average, dogs need to go outside at least 3 to 5 times a day to have the opportunity to relieve themselves. Veterinarians recommend that adult dogs go no more than 6 to 8 hours without being outside. All of this will depend on the type of home in which the animal resides and whether it has free access to a garden or patio. In these cases, the number of exits could be reduced but never eliminated.

Adult dogs can hold urine for up to 10-12 hours if necessary

Adult dogs can hold their urine for up to 10-12 hours if necessary, but that doesn't mean they should. He should be allowed and facilitated to relieve himself at least 3 to 5 times a day. That's at least once every 8 hours.

Healthy dogs do not require water at night if they have been sufficiently hydrated during the day. The night's resting place should be a place of safety and comfort, not one for eating or drinking.

Most puppies eat three to four meals a day while growing and will need to urinate and defecate after each meal. For younger dogs, this will occur about 20 minutes after the meal. The younger the puppy, the sooner he will eliminate after a meal.

In general, a dog should defecate at least once a day, although many will defecate two or three times a day regularly and either case is normal. There are some basic rules to establish our pet's outings and ensure that they have healthy routines.

You should wait at least 30 minutes after a walk to feed a dog and at least an hour after feeding to walk them. Dogs that exercise before or after eating may develop bloating.

Experts recommend feeding adult dogs twice a day, in the morning and at night. Some owners choose to feed their pets once a day, but dogs that are only fed once a day may become hungry and may also sometimes be prone to bile vomiting which is caused by an empty stomach.

The amount of exercise a dog needs will vary depending on his breed, but all pets should enjoy at least one walk a day.

anna Aug 2
In my opinion, it appears to be an issue with the connection. Could you verify if this console is properly linked to the next one? If all appears to be in order, you may consider reaching out to the support team. If the control panel flickers, it may be necessary to replace it. quordle game
Post Minder
Post Minder Oct 9
Dedicated to wanderers with a love for sustainable luxury, Là Fuori nurtures a community of 'creative souls' devoted to preserving and promoting the world’s diverse artisanal cultures. La Fuori