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Offline Issue with Oxwall.org[UnSolved] | Forum

Purusothaman Ramanujam
Sorry Ross, the issue is not yet solved. I faced nearly 5 times this issue in a span of 1 hour.
ross Team
ross Feb 27 '14
Yes, we do our best to stop that. As soon as I got any update on that I'll let you know. Sorry for inconveniences. 
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Ah. We just want to keep Oxwall good.. so just saying our feedbacks. We understand you are doing the best.
ross Team
ross Mar 10 '14
Guys, have you experienced oxwall going offline since Purusothaman last post?
Purusothaman Ramanujam
I guess its now better.
ross Team
ross Mar 10 '14
Alright, let's see what other community members say about this issue. If the feedback is positive I'm going to mark this post as Solved. 
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Mar 11 '14
i have not had any problems :)
Purusothaman Ramanujam
If it's anything related to oxwall software itself, it would useful if you could share what improvements has been done.
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Mar 11 '14
i agree puru it could help the oxwall community a lot 
ross Team
ross Mar 11 '14
No improvements of the software, just some server optimization. 
Purusothaman Ramanujam
That would be even better to know on optimizing server for oxwall.
ross Team
ross Mar 11 '14
Yes, we had optimized Store plugin query as it was too heavy as it's stated in our logs we've reached approximately 100 users online at once which results in low site performance. Unfortunately I can't give you the exact instructions. 
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