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Login page with (smart)captcha | Forum

simaung Feb 3 '14
How to add captcha into login page?
tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 3 '14
theres a plugin in the store smart capcha  
simaung Feb 4 '14
Thanks for your answer.

I've used SmartCaptcha, and it was appears on the registration page only.
I'm mean is how to add a captcha on the login page, how to do that?

dave Leader
dave Feb 4 '14

Have you by chance sent an email to the developer, that might be your fasted way to find out. 

If i recall the smart captcha has a login exception but im not 100% on that. 

If you do not here anything from the dev, let me know here and i will see what i can do.

The Forum post is edited by dave Feb 4 '14
simaung Feb 5 '14
I didn't send an email to the developer.
I just want to prevent people to log in "force" to my local community