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How to change header background image, arial? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Wade Lester
Wade Lester Jul 31 '11
Hi, simple question or at least I thought it would be.

I am using arial theme and would like to change the background header image. I figured it would be as simple as uploading a replacement top-bg.jpg to the arial/images folder but not so. I have checked and the original image has indeed been replaced with the new on but the old one still displays.

Has me completely stuffed, help please.

BTW, I would like to get rid of the little airplane image that appears in the header too.
Wade Lester
Wade Lester Jul 31 '11
Yep, now what?

I probably should have said that I've already been there and found no option to change the header background image unless you edit the CSS to point to a different location for the header background image.

...and even then it doesn't make any sense that actually changing out the original file has no effect.
Emil Team
Emil Aug 1 '11
Topic was moved from Themes.
shimray Aug 17 '11
download aerial theme without the cloud and the plane here.

aerial reloaded: The modified aerial theme