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How to change styles? - Social media sharing | Forum

Alican Feb 10 '14
Thank you for this plugin. It's a must for a social site. 

But as far as I understand it comes with default style -> "addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style". 
How can I change this value? 
For example I would like to use "addthis_toolbox addthis_floating_style addthis_32x32_style". But so far I can't find where to edit. 
Thanks a lot for feedback.

Oxwall Software
Oxwall Software Mar 6 '14
Alican, can you explain what you would like to achieve as an end result?

Generally addthis_toolbox and all other styles that start with "addthis" belong to third party script we use for this plugin and it might be difficult to change them. Have you checked in ow_plugin/social_sharing/static/css folder?
Alican Mar 6 '14
Hello, The plugin in default shows small size buttons. I would like to achieve to show bigger size share buttons as an end result. But there is no such settings in plugin settings page. I make the settings in my Addthis account in addthis.com but plugin doesn't receive this settings. 

The plugin has the styles for 3rd from top but I would like to change it. 

Alican Mar 13 '14

Ok, I found it in;


and changed related line like this

<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style addthis_32x32_style {$class} ">

And the buttons got bigger size as I wanted. But this time the buttons became 2 lines as seen in the picture. 

Is it because the style;

<div class="ow_small clearfix" style="display: inline-block;">

I will be apreciated if you can inform me, how can I show the buttons in one line like in the picture in previous message?

Oxwall Software
Oxwall Software Mar 25 '14
probably float: left will do the thing, but we need to take a look at your website, to give the exact answer please share the URL
Jozko Apr 10 '14
I have the same request. The buttons are in two lines!!! Any help?
Oxwall Software
Oxwall Software Apr 17 '14
I looked at your website Jozko, social buttons are aligned in one row.
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