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Social media sharing | plugin

Social media sharing

4 images
Last updated Sep 14 '15
Downloads 3092
Published Jan 14 '14
Total downloads 6682

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Plugin title Social media sharing
Item published Oxwall Software
Category Collaboration, Social networking
Compatible with 1.8.4
License The BSD License
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Description Share any content from your site on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest.
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Based on 9 reviews

Customer reviews

Arifur Rahman
Important one!

Social media shearing is really very important for a website. Social media shearing bring more traffic!

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 4 out of 5 people

Arifur Rahman,
Jan 14 '14
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Add this vk.com 1.7.1

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 2 out of 2 people

Sep 25 '14
