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HELP: How to register certain email addresses only? | Forum

Mirza Feb 12 '14
Hey guys,

I'm trying to make the site so only those at my school can join the site. For example only @mit.edu students allowed. I found a couple threads about this, I've worked with php and javascript validation before so I can handle it.

Can someone just point me in the direction of which files I should be editing? Where is the current email validation/form located? That way I could figure the rest out myself.

The Forum post is edited by Mirza Feb 12 '14
dave Leader
dave Feb 16 '14
Not 100% but a couple of files you might poke around in... 

ow_core/user.php   and  ow_core/validator.php (possibly around line 500) 

that should start you on your journey 

The Forum post is edited by dave Feb 16 '14
dave Leader
dave Feb 16 '14
and then check out  ow_utilities/validator.php  line 38 has a pattern, that might be what you need :)
Lika Jun 12 '14
Quote from dave and then check out  ow_utilities/validator.php  line 38 has a pattern, that might be what you need :)
thank you for perfect answer