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Moving Users to other Oxwall site[Answered] | Forum

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Juan Jose Melara
Juan Jose Melara Feb 12 '14
Hello guys,

I installed Oxwall in a subdomain and I made all changes needed. However, my users, just a few, are still in the original domian. Can anyone tell me how to move my users from one Oxwall installation to another? Can I do it?

The Forum post is edited by ross Feb 16 '14
ross Team
ross Feb 13 '14
You made new installation or moved your original website to the subdomain?
Juan Jose Melara
Juan Jose Melara Feb 13 '14
Perfect, just tell me what tool do I use to export and import the tables of the databases. myPHP Admin?


Rob R
Rob R Aug 27 '14
Thank you for this topic.

What if the "new" site does not have certain plugins from the old site?  For example, a user entered data for Google User Maps on the "old site" which is not on the "new" site.  Is that data in a separate table created by Google User Maps or is it in the base_user table?  If in the base_user table, will it just be an orphaned data?

I had a bear with the 1.7.1 update so I resorted to starting from scratch but would REALLY like at least basic user info to be transferred so they do not return to the site to find their account gone.

Thank you VERY much for any feedback.
Rob R
Rob R Aug 27 '14

Quote from Chris_W Yes that's it exactly :o)

Or you could use this CSV user data import plugin: http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/718

I tried using the Data Exporter plugin so I can use this importer which also conveniently sends emails to users with password resets but the Data Exporter plugin is still stuck at "Export in progress. Please, check back later."

Of course, like so MANY oxwall plugins, theres tons of messages there identifying the same problem (one guy waiting TWO DAYS haha) with absolutely ZERO solutions.  I'm sure the developer will be non-responsive too.

So will importing those two tables be as clean as this defunct plugin?  Of course no auto email password reset but I'm getting used to the half assedness of oxwall now.
ross Team
ross Aug 28 '14
Rob, you can use old database with the new installation of 1.7.1 however the database tables in 1.7.1 changed and you will need to run sql queries from ow_updates/update.php file in order to create tables and columns which did not exist in 1.6 or 1.7.0
John Michaels
John Michaels Aug 30 '14

Quote from ross Rob, you can use old database with the new installation of 1.7.1 however the database tables in 1.7.1 changed and you will need to run sql queries from ow_updates/update.php file in order to create tables and columns which did not exist in 1.6 or 1.7.0

How much would you charge someone to export the userlist from an old Oxwall on one server , into a NEW 1.7.1 Oxwall on a NEW server totally ?

I am leaving my pathetic servers to go to what i think will be a better server and I wanna make sure it is done correctly.

Can this be done ?

Can you do it ?

How much will it cost ?

Thanks in advance . . . .I await your response  . . . .you can message me privately if need be

John M

The Forum post is edited by John Michaels Aug 30 '14
Kelvin {the GodFada}
Please i have a csv file of all my facebook friends on my computer, please can i use the CSV Plugin to import the file to my oxwall powered site? urgent please
ross Team
ross Sep 1 '14
Sgt, yes you can do that, 

John, are you trying to move from 1.7 to 1.7.1? I'm sorry I don't provide such services. 

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