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Something all developers of plugins to do, is to create help through films | Forum

Ketil Ervik
Ketil Ervik Feb 13 '14
You should create ifo / help movies. It would give users easier HOWTOs and increase understanding of plugins. And I am sure of developers will see a reduction of the required support. I made my first howtofilm for my social site: sosialtnett.se or sosialtnett.org. I share my example here, hoping again several developers of plugins to take this technique in use to provide better and easier support for their products. Yes, and how one can describe, present the product with such terknologi.

My example here:
Login with your facebook account and post and receive notification of other social sites

Here I show how you log in to our social networks, and what to do first time you log on. You must connect the three different social sites to our network, to post them on our network. And you have the option to set it all up as you want, who should see the mail polling eg facebook. I also show how it works, for example facebook.

Den Team
Den Feb 13 '14
Topic was moved from Oxwall Store.
dave Leader
dave Feb 14 '14
I agree i have vids on my scripts (not oxwall) but the challenge is that you have to remember to keep them pretty basic or you will have to keep redoing them more than not all the time.   But i agree some simple vids about basic function would be really good.  And would also be good to advertise their other products on that same channel. 

Maybe one day :)

Ketil Ervik
Ketil Ervik Feb 14 '14
They must be as short as possible, and without losing focus on the content itself. I make movies based upon as few features as possible. The movies must be as educational as possible. It is all too easy for those already adept, to forget again, anyone out there have very little knowledge. I do not voice my instructional movies, but writing such beside where I post movie. I focus on the display, then I do not correct me to the one shown countries in this context. However, simple, understandable and focused on view.
The Forum post is edited by Ketil Ervik Feb 14 '14
Peter Write
Peter Write Dec 9 '22
The elmedia music player for mac comes in two versions - free and paid. The difference between them is quite significant, but it's only about additional features like downloading from the network, but if you just need to play downloaded movies or soap operas, then paying for the full version is not really necessary. I use the full version because sometimes I need to download videos from the Internet, plus there aren't many players left on the market, I want to support the developer of a really good application. Try it and tell me how you like it.
rashid Dec 10 '22

Warp knitting is different from weft knitting in the sense that, every needle loops its own thread. The needles of warp knitting machines produce parallel rows of loops that are interlocked in a zigzag pattern.

The stitches on the front side of the fabrics appear vertically having a slight angle. The stitches on the backside appear horizontally as floats at a slight angle. These floats are called laps or under laps and are distinguished features of warp-knit fabrics