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sidebar drops way down on page when customize main page [Solved] | Forum

dave Leader
dave Feb 14 '14
Team,   are you able to duplicate when you are in customize the main page status and you scroll down, the side bar is way on the bottom. 

it is fine after you customize but when in customize mode its way down there. 

If you can duplicate then i think the issue might be in 


I tried vertical-align:top; to the sidebar css but that did not work, i think the issue is that it is in a separate div which is causing that issue. 

Just fyi :) 

The Forum post is edited by ross Feb 17 '14
Joseph Feb 14 '14
I have this same issue and on one site the sidebar goes away when i edit the index page along with a fine list of other features the team didn't test before releasing  this version
dave Leader
dave Feb 14 '14
Joseph what theme are you running,  i am using macabre on my site. 
ben Feb 15 '14
i have this problem too on macabre before update the themes. try to update your themes.

the only problem on macabre that i have now is newsfeed messup when scroll down after 8 times clicking view more and i didnt have this issue on other themes
The Forum post is edited by ben Feb 15 '14
dave Leader
dave Feb 15 '14
thanks ben, yeah i wish they would add pagination to macabre 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9....   clicking more each time is such a pain.. 
ben Feb 15 '14
there is auto click view more plugins for newsfeed in store that i like it so much created by Mohammad
ross Team
ross Feb 17 '14
Dave, other guys, as Ben already noted, you need to update your themes. You have two options: 

1. update your themes manually: 

  1. Besure that constant DEV_MODE is disabled in ow_includes/config.php file;
  2. Download your current theme from our store;
  3. Upload this theme to your site to ow_themes folder (overwrite existing theme);
  4. After uploading was complete, enable DEV_MODE in ow_includes/config.php file;
  5. Press F5 on any page of your site and disable DEV_MODE
    2 option: is to add these lines to your theme.xml file
    <developerKey>e547ebcf734341ec11911209d93a1054</developerKey>    <build>1</build>
    after this line:  <authorUrl>http://www.oxwall.org/foundation</authorUrl>;
    Then wait for 24 hours for the update to appear in your admin panel and update your theme

dave Leader
dave Feb 17 '14
K thanks ross.. :)