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Revoke Foxtech's seller privileges | Forum

Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Feb 22 '14
Tammy please try to stay on topic here. This thread is about removing foxtech's seller ability on oxwall. Any issues with these Foxtech seller would do but you are talking about another seller. 
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Feb 22 '14
tammy contact aaron he has given me some good support in the past :) 
tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 22 '14
his answer to his plugin logo having the wrong file extension on it was

its ok your browser knows the difference and will render it correctly

but google bot looks at it like your an idiot and cant do html so we will punish you and put you lower in search engine results

on telling him the whole thing can not be read by screen reader for blind pll  
one thing google is very anal about and say every site must be able to be read by screen reader 

was he dont know seo and that he just wont even try to fix it 

tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 22 '14
sorry OxwallAccessories

but i have posted in a thread on it and i have not got an answer to it 
its like every one is dodging the subject 

tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 22 '14
Quote from Kieron (thestatusfeed.com) tammy contact aaron he has given me some good support in the past :) 

i have tried for days with aron to get stupid answer to my problems 

i have starts a forum post that evey team member has dodged 

i have even talked and showed ross the problems and arons answers and have heard nothing back for over 4 days 
tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 22 '14
ok i just found out why i have not got an answer to my forum post on start page pro 

is because its gorn someone has deleted it 
dave Leader
dave Feb 22 '14
everyone hold on for a little bit, i have heard from foxtechs and i will update you as soon as i can.  More later... 
dave Leader
dave Feb 23 '14
Ok folks here is the story on foxtechs.  Paul the developer has gone back to school and does not have the time at the moment to fix issues.  Jake the project director and founder (not a coder from what i understand) has medical issues which preclude him from attempting to solve issues. 

The reason their website is down is because they did not pay the bill when it came due and no money to do so.  That will hopefully change in the next month or so as Jake has to save up the money for it.  

Jake agreed to take the Mytags plugin http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/783 down until it is fixed. He will write oxwall and let them know to take it down asap.

He has promised to take care of the issues but cannot give a time frame because he has not yet spoke to paul regarding his schedule, when he is able to give a solid date i will let you all know as he has agreed to notify me when he can stand by that date. 

I think we all can agree that offering items to the public can at times be overwhelming. Especially when you are a small group trying to make ends meet.  I am not making excuses for what has happened but i do believe him when he tells me that he has the best intentions. It is just so overwhelming at times that both him and paul sometimes feel like leaving oxwall forever. 

If that does happen i have already spoke to him regarding either giving his plugins to oxwall or even to Puru.  Hands down we all know, well at least IMO, that Puru is one of the best developers we have at the moment. If that happens then Puru could get them fixed pretty quickly. 

Puru if you read this you might even PM foxtechs and see if you can sub develope if you have the time and can agree on a price.  That is something we did not discuss but that is up to you and foxtechs. 

Again Jake has agreed that as soon as they can they will take care of all the issues, but it will take time and at this moment until he can get with paul he cannot give me a date. He agreed to take the tag plugin down because it was having issues.  The other plugins are fine and so he will leave them up, at least thats the plan.  

There is more but those are the basic facts.   

Abbey Feb 23 '14
This is why I refuse to do business with a 15-16 year old kid....
tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 23 '14
Quote from Abbey This is why I refuse to do business with a 15-16 year old kid....

hi abby

some 15 yr olds are dam smart and dam good at programming
jake and paul are doing there best but they are  trying on a system that oxwall has made it dam hard for the programmers to make and add there plugins

paul and jake made a plugin that works fine with default plugin list 
and put there plugin up for sale but every site has different extra plugins that clashed and conflicted with there plugin

theres 3 ways of solving this 

1 oxwall fixes the system, 1 days work

2 oxwall makes a comparability plugin, lots of work and upkeep

3 everry developer buys every dam plugin in the store at a cost of over $1400 to test there plugin comparability, and then sell there plugins for 10 x  the cost

and that would start a spiral price hike on all plugins  

dave Leader
dave Feb 23 '14
Jake sent me another email:

Quote "I've contacted Paul and he says he'll be free from the beginning of April, which is when everyone can expect updates and maybe even new plugins." Endquote

So hopefully folks it will be taken care of, i suppose better late than never.  We will see what happens. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Feb 23 '14
Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Feb 23 '14
We will be dropping our version of twitter style newsfeed today. No Need to wait.. Ole Oxwallaccessories has got our back., :)
Martyn ZombieTuesday
Quote from OxwallAccessories We will be dropping our version of twitter style newsfeed today. No Need to wait.. Ole Oxwallaccessories has got our back., :)

these forums really need a *like* button
Jeff Feb 24 '14
Quote from Tammy
Quote from Abbey This is why I refuse to do business with a 15-16 year old kid....

hi abby

some 15 yr olds are dam smart and dam good at programming
jake and paul are doing there best but they are  trying on a system that oxwall has made it dam hard for the programmers to make and add there plugins

paul and jake made a plugin that works fine with default plugin list 
and put there plugin up for sale but every site has different extra plugins that clashed and conflicted with there plugin

theres 3 ways of solving this 

1 oxwall fixes the system, 1 days work

2 oxwall makes a comparability plugin, lots of work and upkeep

3 everry developer buys every dam plugin in the store at a cost of over $1400 to test there plugin comparability, and then sell there plugins for 10 x  the cost

and that would start a spiral price hike on all plugins  

This would be true, but their plugin doesn't work with a complete vanilla install of Oxwall with no 3rd party plugins. The biggest problem was not how long it has taken to fix the issue, but that the lied about there even being an issue for a month, then lied about an update being ready. All the excuses in the world do not make up for a lack of honesty and integrity. They stole $15 from many users under false descriptions of their plugin. There are three kinds of people I have issues with in this world - liars, cheaters and thieves - and they are all three. Good on them for making a few bucks I guess..
Jeff Feb 24 '14
Quote from OxwallAccessories We will be dropping our version of twitter style newsfeed today. No Need to wait.. Ole Oxwallaccessories has got our back., :)

Waiting (im)patiently. :P
Jeff Feb 24 '14
Quote from FoxTechs Hello everyone, we are finally back around on Oxwall (currently still not to development unfortunately), but support wise we're here.

I have contacted dave while still not feeling too well, and was grateful he informed you all of our problems. I want to ensure some things: We're aware of these problems, and we've been aware of them ever since the first bug report. We know of the blank pages, and the @ and # links not rendering, which is the sole purpose to the plugin and which is why we've sent the request to Oxwall to take it down until we get back to work on an update which will be in April (when Paul is on break).

We never said there wasn't any errors, and in fact even while being absent from Oxwall; I've been inspecting the code and testing myself time and time again while taking notes for Paul to go over. If you want proof that there was and will be an in-progress update, I suggest you check out the site I setup to test Oxwall 1.6 which is right here. As you can see, the links are working but some aspects aren't, and yes that site is Oxwall 1.6. We're not leaving our customers in the dark, but it's been a bit overwhelming with the amount of reports and people to attend to.

If you guys don't know, the only reason we were able to publish and make the Mytags plugin, which seemed we chose an unfortunate time publishing it right before 1.6, is because the Holidays were around meaning our developer Paul was on break from university. By the beginning of January, which is when we decided to proclaim ourselves on hiatus, is when Paul went back into university. You may or may not agree with me when I say this, but classes that will put an effort towards the future of one's life is more important than keeping up with Oxwall, but you guys are our customers and being the director of FoxTech's it's my responsibility to make sure you guys get what you want. During the beginning of Christmas, I got very, very ill. And I still have remnants of that illness to this day which I've now come to find (after research) may be a life long thing I have called 'IBS,' which randomly acts up and calms down week to week and can really wipe the energy from you. That aside, plus Paul's classes back in action, it's been busy for us. Not just that, but I've also been busy being a sort of 'assistant' of handling PayPal disputes for my brother and his customers.

I will admit, that I did post about a month ago there should be an update ready. Unfortunately, luck didn't like us during that time and when re-testing the code it not only didn't work, but had more bugs. Naturally, we had to fix that, but that was about the day before Paul had to go and start attending classes again. To add fuel to the fire, I re-uploaded the 1.5.3 file of the plugin after claiming there was an update because the 1.6 update was not ready, and that lead to confusion for everyone because of my mistake of not informing anyone.

Whether an apology is needed or not, I feel awfully bad for not being able to help any of you during the past month and a half and I am gratefully sorry. I should've requested for the plugin to be suspended ahead of time instead of leaving it up and just having it say '1.5.3 compatible only.' I will go to say you have the right to blame me mostly for all of the trouble, since I didn't have the time or energy in me (or health for that matter) to discuss the problems with you guys. I see a recurring problem with our customers though, and that's understanding. I'm not saying you guys can't understand, but since the beginning of FoxTechs I would need more than two hands to definitely count the amount of times I've explained this is not a "full-time" thing and that our main developer has university classes to focus on. Hopefully, any present and future customers will now remember this in mind if another future plugin problem as major as this happens.

No matter what this time, I'm going to personally see to it that this update will get to you guys by April, which is the only ETA I have for development time. I'm going to make sure it not only get's the bug fixes, but it get's mobile support as well. I'll make sure that we'll try and get around to other plugin updates as well, because with you guys (the customers) we couldn't have possibly continued to do what we have done.

Whether you want to believe this or not, or see it has the truth or just a cover up to "save our name," - that is for you to decide. But I am gratefully sorry for the absence and leaving everyone in the dark. I'm not going to try and make you forgive us, you can hate us as long as you want and we'll understand. Though this is a hobby, hobbies come with responsibility as well and we shouldn't have taken so long of a 'break' from this. 

I'm going to list Private Pages and Referral Bonus both as "free" now for those who would want something for this unacceptable negligence to customers. 

Again, we're dreadfully sorry for this, and we hope that by April we can give you an awesome, satisfying update and even more updates and plugins. We make promises that can't always meet their deadlines; e.g.: The promise of Oxwall 1.6's release was bumped about 4 times, but Oxwall made sure they delivered the update even if it took most of a year. FoxTechs is going to do the same thing. We can't ask you for patience after something like this, so all I ask is that you believe in us now more than ever and will continue to support us. I can't change minds, but hopefully I can influence and again; I'm very sorry. And for those concerned about it, the website is now back up: FoxTechs.net

Thank you for your time, and here's to brighter, healthier, better futures,

~Jake of FoxTechs.

All I ever wanted was to be kept in the loop as I purchased a non-working plugin. As you can see, you have agitated an entire user base by not posting updates and leaving your customers in the dark. Hopefully this is a learning experience and in the future your releases are timed to better deal with bugs and imperfections. I hope your health improves and your developer find time to fix this plugin which many feel is essential to a social networking site.
Austeyr Feb 25 '14
Hope your feeling better jake, keep your chin up mate. 
ali Apr 11 '23
В Арт Академи в София, децата могат да се научат на различни техники за рисуване, керамика, крафт с полимерна глина и много други изкуствени дейности. През последните години, училището се е утвърдило като един от най-добрите центрове за изкуство за деца в София. Една от големите предимства на Арт Академи е, че децата не само могат да се забавляват, но и да учат много полезни умения като търпение, точност и творческо мислене. Децата могат да се развиват в своите умения и да изразят своята индивидуалност. В Арт Академи има и опитни учители, които ще насочат децата и ще им помогнат да развият своя талант. Всички материали и оборудване, необходими за изкуството, са на разположение в училището. Арт Академи
Aqsa Bibi
Aqsa Bibi Jul 18
It’s clear that many users here at Oxwall are dissatisfied with Oxtech, and this frustration is entirely justified. Their inadequate support for Oxwall has negatively impacted the platform’s reputation and left many users feeling abandoned, particularly concerning their paid plugins. In light of these issues, I strongly support the removal of Seller status from their account. Additionally, I urge others to share their thoughts here in support of this action. It’s as critical as finding reliable Laredo urgent care—urgent and necessary for the health of our community.
Aqsa Bibi
Aqsa Bibi Aug 2

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